70’s Trend– Hot Trend
While the 80’s was the biggest trend at Toy Fair, the 1970’s had a strong presence as well. From TV shows to movies to Pez Candy to retro toys, there was definitely a feeling of nostalgia of that era. It was a simple, low tech time. Another reason of the return could be that with TV, many shows from the 1970’s and 1980’s are being reintroduced to the younger generation as teens are watching Brady Bunch once again.
80年代趨勢是紐約國際玩具展最大的趨勢,但是70年代趨勢的存在感也非常強。從電視秀到電影,到PEZ Candy,再到復古玩具,毫無疑問的年代懷舊感。那是使用簡單的、低科a技的年代。這一回歸的另一理由是許多70年代和80年代的電視秀再次播出給更年輕的一代,青少年們再次看起了《脫線家族》。
70’s Trend– Hot Trend
I was so pleasantly surprised when visiting the Fat Brain Toys booth as they brought back a toy literally from the 1970’s! People were flocking to see this retro, nostalgic toy. I personally find that older toys of the 1970’s and 1980’s were better quality and my youngest daughter prefers my ‘old toys’ as opposed to her new ones.
Fat Brain Toys 的展廳令我十分驚訝,他們展出了一個完全源自70年代的玩具。人們蜂擁而至,欣賞這個復古的、懷舊的玩具。我個人認為,70年代和80年代的老玩具有著更好的質量,相比于新玩具,我的小女兒更喜歡“老玩具”。