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- 食品包裝
美國 伊利諾斯
/ 2019-06-28
space saving hydration
There were 2 newer companies who were taking beverage bottles to a whole new level. Both retailers are selling to younger consumer brands like Nord strom and Urban Outftters. The idea behind these all silcone bottles is they are space saving. Once you are done drinking they can collapse flat and pack away in a bag, tote, or small purse. By using silicone, they add bright bold fashion forward colors that attract the eye. Cleaning these seem relatively easy. They claim this is food grade silicone and dishwasher safe.
有兩家較新的企業帶來了全新層次的飲料瓶。兩個零售商都出售產品給更年輕的消費者品牌,如Nord strom和Urban Outftters。這些硅膠瓶身后的概念是節約空間。當你喝完,它們就會塌下壓平,打包放入包、手提袋、或是小錢包。通過使用硅膠,它們增加了明亮大膽的、時尚導向的顏色來抓人眼球。清洗這些產品也變得相對容易。他們聲稱這是食品級硅膠,可放入洗碗機。